Frequently Asked Questions
Can one have massage alongside Bowen?
Bowen fine tunes the body using a vibrational technique. Therefore we recommend no massage or any other tactile therapy five days before and after a Bowen session for optimum results.
Is Bowen Therapy right for me?
Bowen Therapy is gentle, yet very effective. It is safe and non intrusive and can be done on anyone from neonates to the elderly. It can be done seated, standing or lying down, to ensure that the client is comfortable. Since it complements conventional medicine, it is an effective addition for those undergoing treatment even for chronic issues.
Is Bowen like massage?
Bowen is not a massage. However, the gentle rolling moves that work on our subtle energy fields definitely bring about a deep sense of relaxation to the mind and body.
Does one experience pain during or after a Bowen session?
It is very rare for a person to experience pain during a Bowen session. Some people experience a ‘healing crisis ‘ in the days following a session - anything from pain or discomfort, to nausea and lethargy, as the body detoxifies itself. All that is required is maintaining a regular water intake to flush out toxins. In case of extreme discomfort, the client can choose to take a painkiller, under the advice of a medical practitioner.
Can one have Bowen during pregnancy?
Bowen can safely be done during a pregnancy. In fact, regular Bowen sessions take care of pregnancy related issues such as backache, nausea, heartburn and oedema. Bowen also aids the development of the foetus and prepares the mother’s body for a relatively quick and easy delivery, if done regularly. Bowen has a special conception protocol that helps couples conceive naturally.
How long is a Bowen session?
A Bowen session could take anywhere from 30-45 minutes, and sometimes longer. The wait between moves may be longer at the therapist’s discretion, depending on client feedback during the session. An in depth consultation is done at the first session and feedback welcomed at consecutive sessions thereafter.
How do I Know a Bowen therapist is qualified?
All Bowen therapists in India are certified from the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia after intensive training and assessment by qualified, accredited instructors, from Australia and India. They are also required to have a sound knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology and First Aid. Therapists are further trained in business and communication skills and how to run a successful practice. They are certified to be practitioners only on completion of Bowen modules and above mentioned prerequisites. They are also registered with the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia.
Is Bowen Therapy like Chiropraction, Accupressure or Physiotherapy?
Bowen, as a modality, stands on its own. The gentle slack, challenge and rolling moves done on the belly of the muscle, send messages via electrical impulses through the Golgi receptors, through the fascia, meridians, nadis (subtle energy channels) and chakras to the brain. The brain reverses the brain map and in turn sends messages to various parts of the body that require fine tuning on a cellular level, and the rectification process begins. Two minute waits between moves allow the body to assimilate messages and begin the rectification almost immediately.
What is Bowtech Ease?
Bowtech Ease is an amazing Ayurveda Aromatherapy formula, created specially for the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia by Subtle Energies. It contains rich EFA based vegetable oils such as Black Seed Sesame and Ashwagandha, along with powerful essential oils like Kunzea, Black Pepper and Eucalyptus, amongst others. It enhances the effectiveness of the Bowenwork when used after a session, to address injuries, coughs and colds, and even indigestion. It acts as an anti inflammatory and an analgesic. For more information please refer to the Products link.
Why are doctors not recommending Bowen?
It is slowly gaining recognition by word of mouth, and from testimonials given by those who have seen amazing results. The medical fraternity and physiotherapists are also recommending clients to Bowen practitioners after seeing marvellous results with various conditions. Some doctors and physiotherapists have even become Bowen practitioners themselves, using the technique as a wonderful adjunct to their practice.
What is Bowen Therapy ?
Bowtech, the original Bowen therapy, originated in Australia. It is a gentle, yet dynamic, state of the art sof tissue therapy that taps into the body’s innate intelligence to balance and rectify various conditions. Working on a cellular level, it enables the body to return to its original blueprint, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. For more information, please refer to the About Bowen link.
How quickly does Bowen work?
Each individual is different, with different body types, different capacities to heal and external influences that affect them. Conditions may be acute or chronic, therefore it is not possible to generalise.
Normally, 3-4 consecutive sessions done at an interval of about a week bring about a vast improvement. In some cases, a single session brings about amazing results. After a set of 3-4 sessions, a break is recommended to allow the body to assimilate the treatment. One can then return for treatment as required or have maintenance treatments at regular intervals to keep the body rejuvenated and in balance.